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Using TextExpander for Autocorrection

Add common typos to your Snippet library

If you find yourself consistently misspelling certain words, you can add them to your TextExpander Snippet library to be corrected automatically. We suggest you create a new Snippet Group called “Typos”, or something similar, in which to store your autocorrections Snippets.

Example: If you always type “recieve” instead of “receive”, create a new snippet with “receive” as the content and “recieve” as the abbreviation. When you type the misspelled word, TextExpander replaces it with the word spelled correctly.

Note: For best results when using auto-correction, TextExpander should be set to expand “immediately when typed” instead of “at delimiter”. (See Expansion Settings)

Use an auto-corrections Snippet Group

TextExpander offers two ready-made auto-correction Snippet Groups for commonly-misspelled words in English, as well as one in French, and one in German. To add these Snippet Groups to your snippet library, open our Public Groups page and click Subscribe next to the Autocorrect group you want to add.

Capitalize new sentences

TextExpander can automatically correct the capitalization of the first letter in a sentence. Choose TextExpander > Profile > Preferences > Options to enable this feature. The first letter after a period and a space will be capitalized automatically.

Eliminate double capitals at sentence start

TextExpander can automatically correct the double capitals at the beginning of a sentence. Choose TextExpander > Profile > Preferences > Options to enable this feature. If two capital letters are typed after a period and a space, the second letter will be converted to lower case automatically.