Getting Started For Admins
Setting up a company TextExpander account means setting up a TextExpander Organization so that you can easily manage your Organization members, Snippets, user data, billing, and account settings.
As an Admin of your team’s TextExpander account, you’ll need to set the stage for the rest of your Organization members to come on board.
Quick Links
- Guide to rollout TextExpander across your business
- Guide for transitioning to TextExpander from a similar tool or prior version
- Watch the full webinar Admin overview
Send your teammates for training:
- TextExpander 101 webinar
- Getting Started With TextExpander (you should check this out too!)
Key Topics
The following are both the key concepts you need to understand, and the steps you’ll need to take to set up your TextExpander Organization.
- Setting up your TextExpander Organization
- Creating a TextExpander for Teams account
- Adding and managing Members
- Bulk adding users via an email Organization Domain or Single Sign-On (SSO)
- Train your team by sending them to: Getting Started with TextExpander
- Tip: if you have dozens of users, we suggest you start by adding just your fellow Admin and team leads. Have them set up Snippet Groups and Teams, and invite their users
- Adding and managing Snippet Groups
- Organizing Snippets
- Making Snippets managed by the Organization
- Tip: Your Members can get right to work if they join your TextExpander Organization and have Snippet Groups already assigned to them. Follow these tips to get your Snippet Groups ready to share
- Setting Member Permissions for all the levels of your Organization:
- Sharing Snippets with Members
- Using Teams to gather Members and their Snippet Groups together
- Tip: If you have more than one department on TextExpander, or you just need more ways to organize your Snippets, Teams are a great way to do so
- Managing Billing
- Viewing Usage Statistics
- Tip: use reports and statistics to see how your Members are using TextExpander
- Navigating TextExpander
- Understand how TextExpander is structured