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Managing Organization Snippet Groups

What are Organization-managed Snippet Groups?

Snippet Groups created by members of a TextExpander Organization begin as personal to the creator. If a Snippet Group is shared with one or more organization members, it becomes an Organization Snippet Group and is added to your organization’s Snippet Group library. This allows admins to have full visibility into the Snippet Groups that organization members share and gives them the ability to manage the Snippet Group.

To help you differentiate between existing Organization Snippet Groups and new ones, you’ll see a teal dot next to new Snippet Groups. This dot signifies the Snippet Group has not yet been reviewed by an administrator and gives you a chance to edit or delete it.

Once a Snippet Group is shared and becomes an Organization Snippet Group, admins can:

  • Review the Snippet Group and mark it as reviewed
  • Share the Snippet Group with more organization members
  • Change the Snippet Group’s permissions and specify who can manage, edit, and expand it
  • Rename or delete the Snippet Group
  • View detailed usage statistics for the Snippet Group.

How to create Organization Snippet Groups

Organization admins can create Organization Snippet Groups that will be managed by their Organization directly in their organization’s Snippet Group library.

  1. Sign in to your account and select “Snippet Groups” from the left sidebar under your organization name.
  2. Click the “Add Snippet Group” button in the upper right corner.
  3. Select “Create new” and click Next. 
  4. Give the Snippet Group a name and select “Shared” if you want to give specific people access or “Everyone” to share it with everyone at your organization.
  5. Create your Snippets in the new Snippet Group.
  6. If you selected “Shared” in step 4, click the “Share” button in the top right corner and add the members, teams, or guests with whom you want to share the Snippet Group.

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How to delete Snippet Groups from your organization’s Snippet Group library

  1. Sign in to your account and select “Snippet Groups” from the left sidebar under your organization name.
  2. Find the Snippet Group you want to delete and click the three dots on the right. 
  3. From the menu, select “Delete”.
  4. Once you confirm, the Snippet Group will be permanently deleted.

Note: To keep a copy of the Snippet Group, you must  export the group before deleting.

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  • Gather Snippet Group ideas from your team to keep everyone consistent and on the same page.
  • Snippet Groups should be granular; don’t worry about creating too many as long as they’re useful. Reduce Snippet Group clutter by making sure Groups are only shared with members who need them.
  • Snippet Groups managed by the organization should always have a recognizable name, completed notes, and a Group Prefix.
  • Instead of deleting a Group, consider archiving it by setting “Expand in” to “No Applications” for that Group in its settings.
  • If you do choose to delete a Snippet Group, once you confirm, it will be permanently deleted. If you want to keep a copy of it, you can export the Snippet Group first.
  • To learn how to create a new Snippet Group see Adding Snippet Groups to TextExpander.

*This article applies to Closed Organizations. If you’re not sure whether you have a Closed Organization or you’re interested in becoming a Closed Organization, reach out to