Share Organization Snippet Groups With Members

What are Organization Snippet Groups?

Organization Snippet Groups are Snippet Groups that are managed by your TextExpander Organization. To learn more see how to manage Organization Snippet Groups.

Sharing Organization Snippet Groups allows your team to write and share consistent and cohesive notes, messages, emails, and anything else your team repetitively types. This reduces everyone creating similar, yet inconsistent personal Snippets on their own. Since these are Snippet Groups that are managed by your TextExpander Organization, TextExpander admins can manage who has access to expand and edit these Snippets.

How to share Snippet Groups with Members in your Organization

Before you share Snippet Groups, make sure you’ve:

  • Set up your TextExpander organization.
  • Added Members to your TextExpander organization.
  • Created personal Snippet Groups.
  • Assigned those Snippet Groups to your TextExpander organization.

If you’re a TextExpander admin:

  1. Sign in to your account, select “Snippet Groups” from the sidebar, under your Organization name.
  2. Select the Snippet Group you’d like to share and select “Sharing” at the top.
  3. Select “Add members” to the right. You’ll see a list of your current Organization members.
  4. Search and select the members you want to add to the Snippet Group, then select “Add selected”
    The group will be immediately available to the newly added members.

If you’re not a TextExpander admin:

  1. Sign in to your account, select “My Snippets” from the sidebar.
  2. Select the Snippet Group you’d like to share and select “Sharing” at the top.
  3. If this is a personal Snippet Group, scroll down to “Assign to Organization” and select your Organization.
  4. Select “Add members” to the right. You’ll see a list of your current Organization members.
  5. Search and select the members you want to add to the Snippet Group, then select “Add selected”
    The group will be immediately available to the newly added members.

Snippet Group Permissions

Every Organization Snippet Group needs at least 1 Snippet Group admin. The author of the Snippet Group is automatically an Admin. Any Organization level Admin can make themselves a Snippet Group Admin. Read more about Snippet Group Permissions.

Share Groups with everyone using Auto-Join

If there are Snippet Groups that should be shared with everyone in the organization, you can set that Snippet Group to be auto-joined.

For example, you might want the entire company to share the Support and HR Snippet Groups, but you only want the Sales team to have the Sales Snippet group.

See Share Organization Snippet Groups With Auto-Join.

Bulk share Snippet Groups using Teams

If you have a large number of TextExpander users, we suggest setting up Teams in your organization. This way each sector of your company has the Snippets Groups they need more easily. If a Member is added to a Team that has Snippet Groups added to it, that Member will have access to those Snippet Groups, even if the Snippet Groups weren’t explicitly shared with them.

See Using Teams in A TextExpander Organization.

Sharing Groups with Members outside you Organization

You can share Organization Snippet Groups with Guest Members who aren’t a part of your TextExpander Organization. A part-time contractor for example, or someone on your team who hasn’t joined your organization yet.

See Adding Guest Members.


Members will only see their personal Snippet Groups and any Snippet Groups shared with them. Organization Snippet Groups are not discoverable by Members, only by a TextExpander admin. Snippet Groups must be explicitly shared with each Member or added to a Team for Members to access.