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TextExpander Organization Usage Statistics

Use statistics to see how much time TextExpander has saved your TextExpander Organization.

Note: Only Organization Admin have access to Statistics and other Organization settings.

TextExpander displays usage statistics for the whole TextExpander Organization located under the Organization’s “Statistics”. Each user can see their own personal statistics under “Personal Statistics”. 

How to run a report on usage statistics

  1. Sign in to and select “Statistics”, located underneath your Organization name, in the sidebar.
  2. Select a report type and run the report.

About Statistics Reports

There are a few statistics reports you can run, and a couple customization options.

Customize the:

  • date range (for Enterprise plans only)
  • words per minute (WPM) typing speed 

Overview report

An overview report shows colorful charts of your TextExpander Organization’s time saved and Snippet usage, broken down by day, across all your Members.

Hover over the chart to see more details for that day.

Snippets report

Dig into specific Snippet usage in the Snippets report. Sort the report table to quickly see the top Snippets used across all your Members as well as top Snippet Groups.

To get a better Snippet or Group breakdown, you can Export your report for manual discovery.

Users report

See a breakdown of all your currently active Members. Sort to see who uses the top Snippets and saves the most time.

Inactive users report

Find all your Members who have fallen inactive over the past month, or custom date range. Learn about Active vs Inactive Members in our article.

Report Options

Date range

Select the date range across which you would like to view the reports. This is only available for Enterprise plans. Upgrade from your account’s billing tab, by contacting your account manager, or our support team.

Words Per Minute

Adjust the typing speed in words per minute (WPM) to match your typing speed. This will give you a more accurate calculation of time saved. (See How TextExpander Statistics Are Calculated).

Using Reports

There are a few popular insights found in these reports:

  • User education
  • Snippet insights 
  • ROI 

User education

Run the Members report to see who your top users are. This is a good way to surface your internal power users. Have them share their tips on using TextExpander with the larger team.

Likewise, a Member not using TextExpander very much may need some pointers, or be introduced to more of the shared team Snippets.

Snippet insights 

Run the Snippets report to see trends in your team’s usage of specific Snippets. 

For example, a Support team might have Snippets related to a specific customer issue. Tracking the volume of usage of those Snippets will give you some clue as to the issue’s prevalence.


How much time, therefore money, is TextExpander saving you? 


Adjust the words per minute on the report to whatever your user’s average typing speed is. This will help you get a more accurate calculation of time saved.

Overview report

Run an Overview report to get your Organization’s total hours saved over 30 days, or a custom date range. From the table lower in the report, sort the Users column to see the maximum number of Users expanding on a single day. This is the total number of users active for that time period. Divide the hours saved by the active Members, and you have the average time saved per user per month. 

For example:

260 hrs saved in 30 days / 40 active users = 6.5 hrs / user / month saved

Or, multiply hours saved by your staffs’ average hourly compensation to get total money saved.

260 hrs saved in 30 days * $25 / hr = $6500 / month

Personal vs Organization Snippets

The Overview report will show time saved and Snippets usage from all Snippets used by all Members of the Organization.

The Snippets report, however, will not show Snippets that are not owned and managed by the Organization. All Members can have Snippet Groups which they have created and are personal to themselves.

We encourage all Organizations to make their Snippet Groups managed by the Organization.