How Do I Set TextExpander To Work With Webroot In Chrome/Firefox?
How to set TextExpander to work with Webroot in Chrome/Firefox
Webroot can interfere with text expansion in Chrome/Firefox on Windows. To fix this, try one of the following things:
1. Disable Identity Shield
– Open Webroot
– Under Identity Protection, turn off Identity Shield
2. Allow Chrome/Firefox in Webroot
– Open Webroot
– Click on the gear next to Identity Protection
– Click on the Application Protection tab
– Click on Add Application
– Navigate to the internet browser application (Chrome/Firefox) and select ‘Allow’
Video instructions:
Note: You may have to disable and restart Webroot for these settings to take effect.
3. Use TextExpander for Chrome instead of the Windows application
– Download the extension:
If you are using an Enterprise version, these are the instructions provided by Webroot:
1. Log in to the Webroot SecureAnywhere Endpoint Protection website.
2. Navigate to the Group Management tab.
3. Select one or more endpoints.
4. From the toolbar, select Agent Commands > Identity Shield > Allow Application.
5. Enter the MD5 for the internet browser and click Submit.
6. If you do not have the MD5 for the application, you can locate it by right-clicking the desired file and selecting “Scan with Webroot.” When the Scan Results window appears, click “Save Scan Log” in the bottom left. Name the file and save it to the desired location. This log will contain the MD5 number needed to allow the application.