
Below you'll find a list of all posts that have been tagged "recruiting"

Employer Branding: Become More Attractive to Candidates

Are you ready to show the world know what makes your company an awesome place to work? Here are a few suggestions to get you started with employer branding

When, Where and How to Incorporate Recruitment Technology

In this article, we explore augmented writing, gamified assessments, chatbots and other recruitment technology that improve the recruiting process.

How to Motivate a Recruiting Team – 7 Proven Methods

Wondering how to motivate your recruiting team? In this post, we share seven tested and proven strategies for motivating the hard-working members of your team.

The Secret to a Powerful Recruiting Email

What is the secret to writing a powerful recruiting email that sparks a response? Focus on adding value to your outreach by being Authentic, Delightful and Different.

9 Recruitment Tools to Increase Productivity

Among the plethora of reasons for low productivity in the workplace, inadequate technologies play a significant part in preventable inefficiencies. “Technology is evolving at such a rapid pace that it becomes increasingly difficult to compete if your business relies on outdated tech,” says Chris Cancialosi, Forbes business writer. If you’re looking to remain on the…

The Ultimate Recruiting Starter Kit: 7 Snippets for Talent Team Communications

In the last of this three-part series, we’ll highlight the communications that help internal Talent Acquisition teams transition candidates into new hires. New employee on-boarding is “the process of getting new hires adjusted to the social and performance aspects of their new jobs quickly and smoothly.” As talent acquisition teams know, delivering an exceptional new…

How To Personalize Your Snippets with Fill-ins

Learn how you can use TextExpander’s fill-in-the-blanks to personalize your emails, or other re-usable chunks of text.