Explore TextExpander

Below you'll find a list of all posts that have been tagged "Explore TextExpander"

Name and Organize Your Files with TextExpander

Name your file consistently and easily with TextExpander snippets. Standardize your naming format, making files easy to find, search and keep in order.

The Editing Bar Series: Reuse What You Copied With The Clipboard

Learn how TextExpander can use the copy/paste feature to enhance your communications. Whether you want to correctly type someone’s name or send a fiddly licence number, if you can copy it, TextExpander can recall it.

Become a Stronger Writer with Cliché Correction Snippets

Remove clichés from your writing and have more time to tell readers about your big idea. The best part? TextExpander does it all automatically.

How To Share Snippets, Your Knowledge and Experience

Learn how to share collective knowledge and experience with colleagues, teams and like-minded people. Check out these essential sharing tips.

TextExpander Tips for Windows Users

Check out a few tips to help TextExpander for Windows users expand snippets like pros.