TextExpander Blog

Improve Your Conversion Rate with These 9 Sales Closing Questions

Asking the right questions is the difference between making a sale and missing the opportunity. But sales closing questions don’t always come at the end of the conversation…

Finding the Right Talent for Your Software Development Team

With in-demand top talent and brand-new developers entering the market daily, finding talent for your software development team is hard. This article helps you find the right talent.

How Purposeful Sales Prospecting Yields High-Quality Leads

Sales prospecting is an important part of your sales process. Drastically increase the chances of converting your prospects into sales by taking a purposeful approach.

How to Build the Perfect Recruitment Dashboard

Creating a recruitment dashboard can feel daunting. In this article, we help you break this goal into small tasks.

What Should You Look for in a Software Engineer Portfolio?

Hiring software engineers is hard. Understanding a software engineer portfolio is not a skill taught in hiring 101! Here are four steps you should follow to get the most out of looking at a developer’s portfolio site

22 Customer Satisfaction Survey Questions to Assess Consistency

Consistency is incredibly important when it comes to providing an excellent customer experience. Read our recommendations for customer satisfaction survey questions to help measure your team’s consistency.

Choosing a Recruitment CRM: Your ATS May Not Be Enough

Recruitment CRM allows your team to build and track relationships with past and future job candidates. Learn more and check out the best options available.