
Below you'll find a list of all posts that have been tagged "tips"

A Writer’s Guide to Getting Organized

Simple tips to help you take control of your workload and become a more productive, happier writer.

Top Time-Saving Tips and Shortcuts for Freelancers

Discover our top tips and shortcuts for freelancers to boost productivity, gain more clients and improve communications.

5 Productivity Tips For Freelancers: Clear Your Mind With Kanban

To be more productive, it’s important to reflect on your working habits. Freelancing means the way you work can directly affect how much you get paid, so here are five tips to help you minimize distractions and maximize focus. Master Your Time and Get More From the Day Those days when you’re powering through your…

TextExpander Tips for Windows Users

Check out a few tips to help TextExpander for Windows users expand snippets like pros.

How To Personalize Your Snippets with Fill-ins

Learn how you can use TextExpander’s fill-in-the-blanks to personalize your emails, or other re-usable chunks of text.

TextExpander in Law: Q&A session Part 2

Read part 2 of the detailed answers from the Q&A session from the webinar “5 Ways Attorneys Reclaim Time With TextExpander—A Beginner’s Guide.”