In the first of this three-part series, we’ll highlight the must-have tools that help remote recruiters stay connected with their teams. See: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
An estimated 4.3 million employees now work from home at least half the time.
Eighty-six percent of workers say that working remotely allows them to hit maximum productivity.
Here are must-have tech tools that are guaranteed to make every day spent recruiting remotely more productive and rewarding.
Cloud Storage & Collaboration
The right cloud solution can “bolster your team effort” by providing a better way to share files and improve your workflow.
G Suite by Google Cloud
An integrated suite of secure, cloud-native collaboration and productivity apps powered by Google AI. Includes Gmail (email), Docs (collaborative documents), Drive (shared file storage), Calendar, Meet (video conferencing) and more.
Office 365
Be more creative and achieve what matters with Outlook, OneDrive, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, Yammer, and more.
Evernote/Evernote Web Clipper
With Evernote, memos are synced so they’re accessible & searchable anywhere. The Evernote Clipper lets you save whole web pages or just the parts you want to remember. Perfect for quickly capturing resumes, market data or recruiting articles.
Coworking Spaces
Sometimes a change of scenery is a must to get refocused. Keep this list of coworking spaces nearby for those days when you need a change of pace.
Global Coworking Map
This visually appealing site is currently tracking over 1900 spaces in 100+ countries.
Read real reviews, see photos, and view maps of coworking spaces in over 100 countries.
Workfrom makes it easy to find trusted places to get your work done. Recommendations are crowdsourced and can’t be found elsewhere.
Either you run the day or the day runs you.
Jim Rohn
Efficiency Tools
Without setting clear boundaries, working from home can becoming all-consuming. Be proactive about taking breaks and unplugging at the end of each day with these breaktime reminders.
StandUp Timer
This simple Chrome extension reminds you to take a break from work.
Time and Date Timer
Simple online timer with customizable alarm.
Stretchly is a cross-platform open source app that reminds you to take breaks when working with computer.
Improving Focus
Focus is a skill that “takes time, effort, and active concentration.” Like any skill, it requires practice. Use these apps to help build your focus and flow.
Momentum App
This personal dashboard mixes inspirational images and motivating quotes to help start your day with a smile.
Noisli is a fantastic background noise and color generator for working and relaxing.
With soundtracks like morning murmur and lunchtime lounge, you’ll forget you’re working from home.
There is no need to cut back on face-to-face meetings when working remotely.
Meeting / Video Communications
Getting face time with your teammates is a cinch with these video conferencing tools.
Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars
Google Voice
Even though you’re remote, your candidates and clients can keep track of you from role to role with a GVoice number.
UberConference is a simple, visual, and free-to-use conference calling app without pins.
Google Timer
Type “set a 15 minute timer” into Google search and allow the countdown clock to keep you on track as you review resumes or source prospects.
Next Up
In part two of our How to Optimize your Day as a Remote Recruiter series, we will share more remote recruiting essentials.
What tools do you use to stay connected when working remotely? We’d love to hear from you on Twitter or in our TextExpander Facebook group.