We thoroughly believe in the value of great quotes. Sometimes all we need is to see the right words, at the right time, and we reckon sales is one of the fields where inspiration matters most. For those of us engaging with a new lead for an initial approach, it is so important to have ourselves in the best mindset possible. We only get one chance to make a first impression, so being in the right headspace is paramount.
If you’re after some sales motivation for you and your team, you’re absolutely in the right place. We’ve pulled together some of our all-time favorites to help get you and your team motivated and ready. Maybe these are ones you’ll want to print out and keep, or have jotted down on a sticky note for your computer. Either way, we’ve got some real gems – enjoy.
1) “Make a customer, not a sale.” – Katherine Barchetti
2) “Great salespeople are relationship builders who provide value and help their customers win.” – Jeffrey Gitomer
3) “Well done is better than well said.” – Benjamin Franklin
4) “Outstanding people have one thing in common: An absolute sense of mission.” – Zig Ziglar
5) “Big shots are only little shots who keep shooting.” – Christopher Morley
6) “Excellence is not a skill. It’s an attitude.” – Ralph Marston
7) “A goal is a dream with a deadline.” – Napoleon Hill
8) “Begin always expecting good things to happen.” – Tom Hopkins
9) “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain
10) “Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognize them” – Ann Landers

11) “What you focus on is what you get.” – Bob Burg
12) “Expect to make some mistakes when you try new and different approaches.” – Harvey Mackay
13) “High-level buyers want to talk to people who know more than they do. They hunger not for information but insight.” – Barbara Weaver Smith
14) “Companies should be selling ideas more than benefits. Sell Ideas. Not stuff.” – Aaron Ross
15) “It’s no longer about interrupting, pitching and closing. It is about listening, diagnosing and prescribing.” – Mark Roberge
16) “I never lose. I either win or learn.” – Nelson Mandela
17) “If you are not too large for the place you occupy, you are too small for it.” – Chester A. Arthur
18) “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” – Mae West
19) “Great sellers go into a meeting with multiple next-steps; this allows them to proactively respond if a plan does not unfold as planned.” – Tibor Shanto, Chief Sales Officer, Renbor Sales Solutions
20) “‘I can’ is 100 times more important than IQ.” – Unknown
21) “Establishing trust is better than any sales technique.” – Mike Puglia
22) “Approach each customer with the idea of helping him or her to solve a problem or achieve a goal, not of selling a product or service.” – Brian Tracy
23) “Don’t bother telling the world you are ready. Show it. Do it.” – Peter Dinklage
24) “Be so good, they can’t ignore you.” – Steve Martin
25) “Buyers don’t believe anything you have to say to them about your product or service until they first believe in you.” – Deb Calvert

26) “Talking isn’t selling and selling isn’t closing.” – Steli Efti
27) “Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity.” – Oprah Winfrey
28) “Act as if what you do makes a difference — it does.” – William James
29) “Focus on being productive instead of being busy.” – Tim Ferriss
30) “Most people think selling is the same as talking. The most effective salespeople know that listening is the most important part of their job.” – Roy Bartell
31) “If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t… you’ll find an excuse.” – Jim Rohn
32) “Opportunities don’t happen. You create them.” – Chris Grosser
33) “If you aren’t taking care of your customer, your competitor will.” – Bob Hooey
34) “If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try.” – Seth Godin
35) “When you’re good at something, you’ll tell everyone. When you’re great at something, they’ll tell you.” – Walter Payton

36) “You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.” – Walt Disney
37) “A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.” – William Shakespeare
38) “Ninety percent of selling is conviction and 10 percent is persuasion.” – Shiv Khera
39) “One of the best predictors of ultimate success … isn’t natural talent or even industry expertise, but how you explain your failures and rejections.” – Daniel H. Pink
40) “Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming.” – Richard Branson
41) “There is always room at the top.” – Daniel Webster
42) “High expectations are the key to everything.” – Sam Walton
43) “Stop selling. Start helping.” – Zig Ziglar
Got any favorite quotes of your own? Hit the comments and let us know – we’re always looking to add to our list! And don’t forget that there are many, many more ways to get inspired to perform on the TextExpander blog too. Take a look here.