
Below you'll find a list of all posts that have been tagged "workflow"

Why Change is Good for Productivity: 5 Steps to Take Today

We might not be used to seeing change as good for productivity, but the research says otherwise, conclusively. Here’s how change, both big and small, can transform your work life and help your team to be more productive than ever.

Run Your Hiring Process from Trello

Discover how we use Trello, TextExpander and Google Docs to hire new team members.

Hack Time with These 5 Must-Have Recruiting Snippets

With countless tools on the market, it’s no surprise that 91% of recruiters use some form of recruitment technology or software. TextExpander is a productivity multiplier which eliminates the need to type things over and over. Using TextExpander snippets, or preset chunks of text, recruiters can automate the most predictable aspects of their workflow and…