Set Your Team Up for an Optimal Async Environment, Presented by TextExpander and SaneBox
Even if you haven’t heard of async work, it’s likely you already know a little about it. Asynchronous work, or async for short, is when collaborative work happens remotely at different times without the expectation of immediate response. Async work doesn’t require all employees to be available simultaneously and therefore allows more flexibility and fosters a more highly productive remote work environment. According to the Harvard Business Review, remote work should mostly be asynchronous.
If your team is working remotely, you’ve probably got some async best practices figured out. This webinar will help you identify the best practices, policies, software and tools that will foster an ideal async workplace.
Key topics we’ll be covering:
- What does “async” mean, and why is it important?
- Best Practices and Workplace Policies
- Processes to Foster Async Communication
- Managing Incoming Communications
- Streamlining Outgoing Comms
- Async Communication Tricks and Tools
Meet the Presenters

Rex Mann
Training Enablement Manager, TextExpander

Dmitri Leonov
Vice President of Growth, SaneBox
Watch the video
Rex Mann: hello, and welcome to our co webinar with same box for setting up your team from optimal a sink environment, my name is REX i'm from the customer success team at Texas founder or co host today is Jennifer she's also from the success of harmony want to say hello.
Jennifer Burnett: hi everyone, my name is Jennifer it's nice to have you join us on this lovely afternoon or whatever time is the date is where you're joining us from.
Rex Mann: Yes, so we're going to give a few minutes for everyone to kind of trickle in and get everyone logged in So while we do that, there is a chat box and also a Q amp a box in your zoom bar, if you want to open those up, that is how we will be able to.
Rex Mann: To speak with one another and to answer questions so let's go ahead and start us off with a question about spring spring is sprung for us and so we're kind of seeing like what everyone does during the spring time for me i'm about to plant my garden if it ever warms up.
Rex Mann: So if you have your chat box handy if you have your Q amp a box candy go ahead and drop in what spring means to you what are your fun things that you.
Rex Mann: Do during spring.
Jennifer Burnett: yeah definitely i've got both of those popped up in here for for me to see, and I know rick says as well, so we'll be able to see what you have to say.
Jennifer Burnett: I can tell you, though, REX yesterday it's snowed all day and so last spring has sprung and my highest sense and my tools are up the tulips have not fully bloomed yet.
Jennifer Burnett: I think that they got a little shock to their little flower system yesterday and but thankfully the spring flowers and they're built for that right.
Jennifer Burnett: yeah so let's see we have someone who says Oh, the water has finally warmed up and they will be surfing on the east coast so.
Rex Mann: What is exciting.
Jennifer Burnett: Man I don't have that them and also.
Jennifer Burnett: Next to mine interments introducing Dimitri he has popped in here.
Rex Mann: Yes, this is to meet your here CEO and founder co founder of sandbox when say hello.
Dmitri Leonov: hey guys.
Jennifer Burnett: A little bit about spring.
Dmitri Leonov: spring spring has sprung.
Dmitri Leonov: On Southern Hemisphere then it's actually fall right now.
Rex Mann: So it's not it's true.
Jennifer Burnett: This is true, yes.
Jennifer Burnett: yeah what is it where you are please feel free to use either that Q amp a or the chat room if you just want to use the chat room right now that's totally Fine, let us know where you are zooming in from where you're joining us from and whether it's spring or fall for you.
Rex Mann: So it looks like we have a good amount of folks let's go ahead and dive in we've got a lot of content for you today so northern Virginia, how much.
Jennifer Burnett: Saying spring but snowy that I feel you it's spring but it's snowing or was yesterday.
Jennifer Burnett: Yes, it is a cold one for sure, yes Doug i'm in Ohio with snow yesterday.
Jennifer Burnett: But will be in the 80s by Sunday.
Jennifer Burnett: So you know turn around and the weather changes.
Rex Mann: Absolutely.
Rex Mann: and actually was very cold yesterday and today it's.
Rex Mann: Beautiful outside so i'm itching to get out there, and maybe grill something experienced that lovely weather.
Jennifer Burnett: So, yes chomping at the bit and and you have the big race coming up in a couple of weeks to so we.
Rex Mann: Should there be yeah.
Rex Mann: Okay we'll go from chillin.
Dmitri Leonov: Who is experiencing a warm.
Jennifer Burnett: me good, well, thank you all for sharing and testing out that chat room and making sure that that's working, we certainly do appreciate it, I think wrexham Dimitri if you all are.
Jennifer Burnett: Good to go I think we're looking pretty good and every all systems are go here on my end if y'all want to take over.
Rex Mann: Absolutely Thank you so.
Jennifer Burnett: Much perfect so.
Rex Mann: Welcome again so again just to reiterate our topic we're going to talk to you today about how to be to set up your team for an AC environment, the best practices, what you can do to make sure that you succeed and an AC work environment.
Rex Mann: So I like I said i'm REX I am the training enablement manager at Tetra standard I live in louisville Kentucky really fun spot in the in the US and a fun fact about myself is I can play six instruments.
Rex Mann: And here is, let me let Jennifer introduce yourself.
Jennifer Burnett: hi my name is Jennifer burnett and I am a customer success manager with texts expand our REPS and I get to work every day together thoroughly enjoy it.
Jennifer Burnett: I am out of Ohio and Ravenna and a fun fact about me is that I want to play Doris day in a musical.
Jennifer Burnett: I will be here, as your co host today, so if you have any questions use that Q amp a.
Jennifer Burnett: drop at the bottom of your zoom window at the bottom of your screen, you can use the chat room as well, but if you do have questions try and use the Q amp a room for us that would be greatly appreciated, so if you need anything pop it in.
Rex Mann: And last but certainly not least, Dimitri.
Dmitri Leonov: So, my name is Dimitri and my fun fact is, I can also play a lot of musical instruments, but I play all of them poorly.
Rex Mann: I didn't say I was great at playing them I just.
Rex Mann: You know.
Rex Mann: I tend to deploy them, but our band, we will be releasing our first album soon Jen Jen Dimitri and I, and I.
Rex Mann: will hold a concert for you.
Jennifer Burnett: Yes.
Rex Mann: So today we've got a few things to cover so we're going to cover what asynchronous communication is how to get started with your team and what some best practices are.
Rex Mann: And of course towards the end of the call we're going to open this up to some questions from you all, so that we can try to share what we know about asynchronous communication asynchronous work.
Rex Mann: and see if it can help you and your endeavors So what is excellent communication to make sure you want to kick us off.
Dmitri Leonov: Sure thing, so you know the definition is its communication that's not synchronous but.
Dmitri Leonov: as the name suggests, so it's not shared it's not sent and received at the same time, and really, this is a you know relatively new concept.
Dmitri Leonov: it's a you know started becoming more and more popular went since email was introduced into the kind of the work and the work environment, but it got really accelerated over the last couple of years.
Dmitri Leonov: With coven and you know of course now since everybody's been doing it for a couple of years, we understand much more of the benefits and.
Dmitri Leonov: You know nobody's essentially nobody wants to come back to the office anymore right so 60% of people looking for a job say they would prefer to work remotely.
Dmitri Leonov: and half of the people as of late last year are working remotely today, so the future of work is asynchronous kind of by default and so it's super important that all of us getting as good as we possibly can, and this is what this webinar is all about.
Rex Mann: Absolutely, thank you.
Rex Mann: So before we talk about asynchronous work let's talk a little bit about like what this what asynchronous work.
Rex Mann: How it speaks to synchronous work or the downsides of synchronous work, so one thing that stands out to me about asynchronous work versus synchronous work is that synchronous work really favor certain kinds of people.
Rex Mann: So you really favor in a typical workspace if you have that typical nine to five work day is going to favor folks who are productive most productive early in the morning.
Rex Mann: So you're you're favoring folks who have a very specific circadian rhythm, so to speak, and also there's another component, where it favors the the folks that are neural typical or.
Rex Mann: It puts neural divergent folks at a disadvantage so nor divergent folks those are folks that maybe.
Rex Mann: Have ADHD or rest somewhere on the autism spectrum, they have you know some different out I like to call it no diversity.
Rex Mann: So you know it's a different way, that their brains work and so asynchronous communication asynchronous work provides them the safe space to work with their own you know, cognition their own patterns of cognition.
Rex Mann: Additionally, there are some downsides to ignoring the cultural differences between people so Richard work schedule doesn't always allow folks to you know if you're a parent and you have children, you have to go pick them up.
Rex Mann: At preschool or daycare or grade school.
Rex Mann: You may you may have some religious practices that that necessitate you go to your mosque in the middle of the day, and so a rigid work schedule really doesn't help you do that.
Rex Mann: And also thinking about those folks who are taking care of their families, not maybe just children but also you know the elders in their family, so this provides the space and opportunity for them to be great caregivers for their families.
Rex Mann: And then lastly there's also some some downsides to timezone biases so when you work in a synchronous environment.
Rex Mann: Typically, if you have a workspace you're going in or if you're if you are remote but synchronous.
Rex Mann: you're going to you're going to work with folks who are on the same time zone as you and so that can sometimes limit.
Rex Mann: The amount of people that you have access to, or the people that can work with you and your team, and so you might be shortchanging the talent, on your team by by doing so.
Dmitri Leonov: um.
Dmitri Leonov: yeah so the benefits of of facing workplaces are kind of the opposite of what what breaks, where you just talked about you know, one of the things I wanted to also point out that it's important that.
Dmitri Leonov: There is that the workspace is either fully synchronous or fully asynchronous.
Dmitri Leonov: If there's this the hybridization in some cases, puts a lot of people at a disadvantage, so if there is a kind of a central office where let's say half of the people are working in one location and the other half is is you know.
Dmitri Leonov: Remote that that is not great for for culture, so it's really important to kind of keep that in mind and.
Dmitri Leonov: You know, puts kind of policies and best practices in place to make up for those for those difficulties, but really the benefits of a sink workplace are.
Dmitri Leonov: have been quite obvious for some time, at least two assets at sandbox and we when we started the company was 11 years ago we were remote from the beginning.
Dmitri Leonov: And we kind of you know, almost stumbled into it and what happened in our case is, we had a core group of founding engineers.
Dmitri Leonov: used to work at a previous company together in Boston and then to have them split up to to be closer to their families, so one of them moved to Michigan one moved to North Carolina.
Dmitri Leonov: And kind of we realized that you know, in order to allow the freedom to you know for our core team.
Dmitri Leonov: to live the life they want, we have to be asynchronous and very quickly, it became obvious that there's a lot of benefits to this, and so we you know, for example, we were able to hire engineers.
Dmitri Leonov: Not just in San Francisco and competing with you know, Google and Facebook, but we're able to hire amazing talent all across the country.
Dmitri Leonov: So it really helps for talent acquisition the inclusive it part is just as important pretty much everybody on our team.
Dmitri Leonov: For a long time has kids and so you know, allowing people, the flexibility to go pick up their kids and have a flexible work day was an incredible advantage, and we really value that, from the beginning.
Dmitri Leonov: And then of course the autonomy and empowerment that this gives to the team is really.
Dmitri Leonov: is really an important benefit as well, so you know, as opposed to having a office politics and kind of the water cooler.
Dmitri Leonov: Time and the culture we allowed everybody to you know to to have the autonomy and agency to do what they do best and do their work, and you know not have to kind of not deal with all of the the downsides of being in being an office and then so last but not least, the mental health.
Dmitri Leonov: And well being is that was a huge advantage, however, this one is a little bit of a double edged sword, so there are a ton of benefits of.
Dmitri Leonov: You know, having kind of the not having to sit in traffic, for instance, right or having to deal with coworkers you don't want to deal with and, and so there is.
Dmitri Leonov: It actually is much better for your mental health and well being However, there is a flip side to this so, especially for people who are more extroverted and really thrive in a social situation.
Dmitri Leonov: we've we've seen how this isolation over over the last couple of years with coven has resulted in some negative negative side effects, and so we have same blocks and I.
Dmitri Leonov: Know we've talked about this before you guys have implemented and kind of policies and best practices to counterbalance this right, so you know, having offsides whether they are in person or virtual and game nights and so on that's something that we've been doing, what about you guys.
Rex Mann: yeah absolutely you mentioned game nights that's we actually have one coming up this evening and it's really great opportunity for us to get together and not talk about work and.
Rex Mann: bring back that you know communal workspace benefit that you had you when you go the office you start to learn about the people that you work with.
Rex Mann: And sometimes asynchronous communication you're you're very on task right when you do get together and you're talking about a task or you're talking about a project.
Rex Mann: You don't have that space to really open up and say like hey I really love to play Mario kart you want to get together and play Mario kart later.
Rex Mann: We also do things like a we have an after hours like an time to get together and maybe like enjoy some bond together and talking about like what we'd like about wine, maybe, be a little bit nerdy about it.
Rex Mann: So there's really cool opportunities they're.
Rex Mann: Trying to think of what we do do off sites as well, so we'll get together and pick a space and location to come together as a team and it might be sub teams, or it might be the full team and we get to like see each other in person, which is really nice to.
Jennifer Burnett: yeah we have weekly coffee chats as well next.
Rex Mann: Yes, the coffee chats are great so we we actually leverage our technology to randomly Paris with one another, each week and we can then.
Rex Mann: Take 15 to 20 minutes to talk about something completely unrelated to work just get to know one another.
Rex Mann: And I think you know people work for people and people work well with people, so you know building that strong Community building that connection with others only will benefit the work that you do together.
Rex Mann: What what are some things that you do at same box.
Dmitri Leonov: So before coven we used to do a one week every year, actually, and then we switched it to.
Dmitri Leonov: Two times a year, but then coven happens so we had to stop that, all together, so we would just pick a week somewhere we're doing it somewhere in the country in a cool location that everybody goes on.
Dmitri Leonov: And just spend a week hangout where should we did do some work as well, so just comes to strategic planning, but a lot of non work also.
Dmitri Leonov: And then, since coven we've been doing a similar thing, as you guys game nights we saw before coven we were really big on.
Dmitri Leonov: escape rooms, so we would love doing escape room and so with with coven there I don't know if you guys know this, but there's kind of a new industry of virtual escape rooms.
Dmitri Leonov: Yes, just as fun actually surprisingly.
Rex Mann: I actually just got some information on a virtual escape room and i'm really interested in learning more so i'll have to connect with you on that.
Dmitri Leonov: yeah it's all the fun without the hassle.
Rex Mann: So what does asynchronous mean for your work life, the first thing is that you could do a doubt and non linear mindset and especially for folks who are maybe.
Rex Mann: Bring that neuro diversity to your team, this can be a super big benefit.
Rex Mann: So you can work around your priorities you can also work about work when you are most productive, so you can kind of figure out and gamma Phi your work life and figure out where you get the most return on your investment.
Rex Mann: You also get the benefit of caring for your children and and pursuing hobbies and maybe hobbies like incorporating some personal development into your day.
Rex Mann: where you have a longer bit of time to like kind of figure out where my gaps, where can I do something that can strengthen my ability to do my job.
Rex Mann: And you squeeze more out of your Day, which is really exciting, I really enjoy the nonlinear work work life.
Rex Mann: You also get more work life balance, and I know that's a hot button right now everyone it's been busy guys, but it really does provide that that balance that you're looking for.
Rex Mann: And the flexibility also, I think, leads to better mental resilience so that whenever you are.
Rex Mann: You know, when you have those more loaded up times that you're doing a lot of work, you also have this counterbalance times, where you have more space to live your life and do your work.
Rex Mann: And it does lead to fewer meetings and then that, in turn, provides more focus, when you do meet and I like to think of it this way to like the idea that we're going to be 100% productive for eight hours, out of a day which a synchronous work environment kind of.
Rex Mann: seems to suggest that's the that's The goal is just not real we don't have like our bodies and our brains just don't work that way and so.
Rex Mann: being more nonlinear and focusing more on work life balance, allows you to be a lot more intensely productive when you're when you're setting out to accomplish a goal.
Rex Mann: And then you also see that that bears out in efficiency gains So you see.
Rex Mann: Increased employee retention and those sphere meetings really does it really does translate to less distractions when you do meet and more focus on what you're setting out to accomplish when you're meeting so it's a really great way to approach your work, your work day.
Rex Mann: So how do we get started, and I think one of the biggest things is intentionality so really setting the intention before you get started of.
Rex Mann: What you hope to accomplish how you hope to accomplish it and that's really what we're going to talk about more in depth today, and I think, Dimitri you have a lot to say in this area right.
Dmitri Leonov: yeah so so the most of most of these bullets have to do with the idea of flow and so flows that kind of a.
Dmitri Leonov: i'm sure most of you have heard of this it's this state when you are kind of entirely focused on what you're working on.
Dmitri Leonov: Time kind of slows down or ceases to exist you're you know you're just in the zone, this is what athletes I kind of refer to write one they're.
Dmitri Leonov: There they only see kind of their the target and everything else kind of disappeared, so we, we can reach this.
Dmitri Leonov: individually, and so there are individual flow flow triggers which will help you get in the zone but what's really, really cool is a group flow and so group flow is actually a.
Dmitri Leonov: Is a state where it's not just that everybody is in that state of individually flow but it's something else entirely different that happens.
Dmitri Leonov: And so the first started studying group flow with jazz musicians and so since we're all musicians yeah we can we can relate to that, but it's this is this it's a completely different state where everybody kind of plays off of each other and it's a really fun.
Dmitri Leonov: You know fun and kind of state and the really cool thing about this is the chemicals that get released in our in our brain during this state are literally they're called the best drugs on ours.
Dmitri Leonov: There it's it's this this we love individual flow, but we really love this group flow and so with a synchronous work environment, we really have an opportunity to.
Dmitri Leonov: To kind of foster these this group flow state so, for example, you know, having shared goals is super critical having a shared risk where you know, there is a kind of a high consequence to.
Dmitri Leonov: To 60 you achieving or not achieving something is super important the yes and is one of the kind of the the tools from improv improv right.
Dmitri Leonov: Is not saying no to people you work with, and so we know we don't want to go to too much in depth into these, but if you want to look up group flow.
Dmitri Leonov: flow triggers, this is a really interesting topic and, yes, it can be achieved in a synchronous environment, but can also be achieved in a sync environment and it's even more powerful nuggets.
Rex Mann: lately.
Dmitri Leonov: Well, actually and, and so I wanted to end with that we're not going to go through all of them too much too much depth but.
Dmitri Leonov: I wanna I want to highlight open communication and documentation So these are very important topics that needs to be needs to be addressed kind of when we're setting up the best process best practices for.
Dmitri Leonov: For a single vironment so making sure that communication is.
Dmitri Leonov: Open that it's thoughtful and intentional, as you mentioned brexit is absolutely critical.
Dmitri Leonov: And one of the one of the ideas is documentation becomes really, really important because, when you're not sitting in you know across from each other in a cubicle.
Dmitri Leonov: and your maybe the different time zone having proper mutation having the the person you're communicating with.
Dmitri Leonov: be able to just find what they need in their you know by themselves is really helpful and so we put a lot of effort and thought into our documentation and an employee handbook as we call it, do you guys do something like that as well.
Rex Mann: yeah absolutely we actually have something that's really simple but super impactful is we even have.
Rex Mann: A meeting etiquette guide so when you get on to a call with others, you can like you know what's expected, so we want to keep our cameras on, we want to stay on task we don't want to multitask while we're meeting, we want to make sure that this is a really impactful good use of our time.
Rex Mann: And really leveraging documentation I think that's super important I had a lit Professor back in undergrad That was really helpful to me.
Rex Mann: With this idea of like a trash document so like anything that you wrote, she said, like don't just delete it don't get rid of it, save it for later and I kind of think of that in the context of documenting your processes, you know if you are.
Rex Mann: If you if you start to do a task and you're and I think it's really important to kind of document as you go so that you're not adding a bunch of work later and it's top of mind, while you're while you're doing it.
Rex Mann: But maybe you start a process you start to like document that process, and you realize like halfway through this is working, rather than just a bad thing that, all together, you can save that later and you said as.
Rex Mann: A launching off point when you meet with your team to say like here's something that I pursued.
Rex Mann: It turns out, it wasn't the best, but do you have any insight on this can be like collab on this, and maybe see if we could make something positive, out of this um so and then actually with intentionality and shared communication or shared shared.
Rex Mann: lingo, if you will, we have like yay for failing so like also identifying that like something's not going well, is actually just as important as as much of a learning experience or learning opportunity.
Rex Mann: As doing something really, really well in fact I think it's probably a bigger opportunity, so you know always document what you're doing and save everything, regardless of the outcome because it might become something useful in the long run.
Dmitri Leonov: yeah but we talked about this on the on the next slide so let's maybe we should dive in a little bit more me.
Dmitri Leonov: So yeah the key kind of.
Dmitri Leonov: mnemonic there is documentation trump's communication and we were just talked about this in depth, but.
Dmitri Leonov: In another way what we call it a handbook first approach right, so the idea is because this is a good practice in general right just for getting a better.
Dmitri Leonov: Co worker and a person is to anticipate your recipients adjusted the needs of the person you're dealing with.
Dmitri Leonov: But it is exceptionally important when you're dealing with different time zones and just asynchronously right because.
Dmitri Leonov: In many cases, this could save you know, a day long cycle right, just like waiting for the for the person to wake up and vice versa, and so this is a This is just extra extra important in in a sink work.
Dmitri Leonov: Well, and then the other thing that's super important is a tone as as everybody knows, it's pretty much impossible to.
Dmitri Leonov: To pass tone in written text and so use it being clear and direct and detail is important but it's super helpful to be extra sensitive and just add a lot of a lot of emojis for.
Dmitri Leonov: Lack of a better word become yeah so I put it, I put a SMILEY maybe a little too much, but I.
Rex Mann: I think I think err on the side of over a notification.
Rex Mann: But you know, I think it says something about my personality and I think it's important to still try to convey your personality and asynchronous communication or a remote work.
Rex Mann: But also, you know worst case scenario here, you might just be like that he's too much emojis but I don't think hopefully it's never too offensive or anything like that.
Dmitri Leonov: I don't think anybody got offended.
Jennifer Burnett: Oh sorry i'm so sorry.
Jennifer Burnett: I was gonna say two things we actually have a question from that, I think, would fit perfectly in right now, so do you mind if I pose that to you alright.
Jennifer Burnett: So one of our attendees is wondering that assuming that TEAM members has in are in different time zones What suggestions, would you have to ensure that email requests have clear statements of when a task or report is due.
Jennifer Burnett: So you know, a specific deadline so do you guys have any thoughts on that because I think that goes right back to communication.
Dmitri Leonov: actually have a lot of thoughts.
Dmitri Leonov: So.
Dmitri Leonov: so sure answers absolutely, it is extremely helpful to be clear about deadlines and just intention in general.
Dmitri Leonov: So one of my favorite things to receive is an email that says not urgent, for example, right so and you can do this, you can put that message and kind of like a tag and the subject, London and that's when when you just think about right if you receive an email that says not urgent.
Dmitri Leonov: it's almost like are.
Dmitri Leonov: gaining time back right that you're.
Dmitri Leonov: winning.
Dmitri Leonov: So, and if there is a clear deadline it's really important to be clear about it right, so you can again even putting it in the subject is super helpful because that lets the recipient, depending on how many emails to receive.
Dmitri Leonov: Right it just lets them prioritize it snooze it until the until the day we're going to need it.
Dmitri Leonov: yeah REX what what are your thoughts on that.
Rex Mann: yeah I think that this works really well back to the hamburger handbook first approach so setting clear intention so like one that we have a Texas vendors that we've agreed collectively that we will, we will respond within 24 hours, so we have a great.
Rex Mann: great expectation there and it response doesn't have to be like i'm going to answer this question.
Rex Mann: It just means that i'm going to let you know that I have seen this email or i've seen this slack message, and it can be as simple as as using an emoji.
Rex Mann: to let to make that clear, I also think that, like i'm a formatting junkie, so I think it's really useful to leverage the tools in your email editor.
Rex Mann: So if there's something that needs to be top of mind, it needs to be very present let's make it bold, but maybe Center it let's italicize it don't be afraid of your formatting to get across town, I think, as well.
Rex Mann: And then lastly leverage productivity tools, so if you're in a sauna user if you're.
Rex Mann: Using to do us, whatever that might be for you set a task if there's a goal that you need if there's something you need for me by a certain date I always love, if you can give me a task because.
Rex Mann: I can go back and check it I can prioritize it, I can see it on a you know, depending on the productivity tool you use sometimes it'll throw it on a calendar for you.
Rex Mann: And I think that can be really helpful in keeping you on task, but also seeing like how to best leverage your time because you know we all have a set amount of bandwidth.
Rex Mann: So this helps you kind of like see where you can make the most games in your day.
Dmitri Leonov: Actually I just just to highlight directs the point that he just made.
Dmitri Leonov: Yes, so using the subject wisely is a really, really helpful tool So yes, absolutely a sauna is you know is better because you can fit it within your workflow but especially if you're if you don't have a sauna or if you're dealing with a external partner.
Dmitri Leonov: email subject is kind of the only thing we have to unless you prioritize it.
Dmitri Leonov: So it seemed like we actually built a few tools that help you build kind of rules around it, so you can you know if something says urgent, you can put it, you can make a top priority if there's something that has an fyi it's kind of less you know automatically that's important.
Dmitri Leonov: That i'm forgetting one of them my favorite kind of a hack I guess is, if you can fit the entire message in the subject line.
Dmitri Leonov: And then put 11 at the end that stands for end of message it's also just like kind of like a gift because they know they don't have to open the message just everything's right there yeah.
Rex Mann: I had a professor, who did that he only would respond like he really only use the subject line, so the in that way also kind of function more like a chat but you also knew what was expected each time.
Rex Mann: So that was really nice and I believe you actually wanted to pull the audience today didn't you on what the favorite emoji for everyone was.
Dmitri Leonov: Yes, can we do.
Rex Mann: yeah absolutely so if you'd like go ahead and jump in the chat or in the Q amp a, but I think the chat probably a better.
Rex Mann: spot for that, and what your favorite emoji is and let's contrast and compare, I can tell you that my favorite one is either the two da like the one that's a little like Popper if you up or the little SMILEY face with the hands, because it's like okay.
Rex Mann: What about you.
Dmitri Leonov: i'm not super familiar with these zoom emojis that a little bit different.
Dmitri Leonov: Okay, we go.
Rex Mann: Jason and I have a similar favorite.
Jennifer Burnett: i'm loving them Dimitri i'm all about that emoji that you just put up.
Jennifer Burnett: Best like my mom emoji.
Jennifer Burnett: With a little slow the kiss like you know.
Jennifer Burnett: keep you can keep dropping those in Marin and we'll go ahead and continue on our conversation we'd appreciate those.
Rex Mann: amy I love griffey I love i'm like i'm annoying to a point with with gifts or however you wish to pronounce it so i'm on board with you there.
Rex Mann: Until the key here just to get back on topic is to really deeply collaborate so give each other, a full idea of what's expected take that extra few minutes to really.
Rex Mann: expand in your email and give all of the content that you think might be useful links oh my gosh link to things.
Rex Mann: Instead of saying, like in this shared drive that we have just grabbed the link and throw it in there, so all you have to do is click.
Rex Mann: I worked at a Tutoring Center for a long time with students and it's kind of like.
Rex Mann: herding kittens, and so my premise has always been to give over give over provide so that like there's no impediment to something getting done.
Rex Mann: But I couldn't find it or I didn't know what you meant like I tried to like over share so that, like all the applications are there, and all the resources are there as well.
Rex Mann: So when should you connect synchronous synchronously and I think these are some really good guidelines so it's the first time meeting with someone let's meet synchronously.
Rex Mann: Having regular stand ups, those are really great way to check in with your team, I know that when we have team meetings at Texas founder.
Rex Mann: We reserve a bit of time at the beginning to check in with one another and see how everyone's doing and.
Rex Mann: Maybe share what we've done over the weekend if it's the beginning of the week meeting or what our intentions are for the weekend, what our plans are.
Rex Mann: I think it really helps again reinforce that sense of community and helps us learn more about one another, but it also gives us an opportunity to connect synchronously.
Rex Mann: And I think anytime that there's a high stake or when you're doing a one on one I think that's really important What about you, Dimitri what are some other times that you all connect synchronously.
Dmitri Leonov: Well, the i'm going to take the right side of the slide here.
Dmitri Leonov: Is the the sensitive topics right we've had this come up quite a lot anytime there's emotions involved it's.
Dmitri Leonov: written communication can be a little bit insensitive right and then of course celebrations, and anything kind of positive it's good to to do with live.
Dmitri Leonov: Well, actually both right it's it's good to it's good to throw the the confetti right emotion, but also to talk about it, live and then you know anytime there are.
Dmitri Leonov: More than ever, the as the rule is three back and forth communications on the same topic, but it's you can kind of feel it out, I mean anytime there's more than two, I think, because it's maybe time to.
Dmitri Leonov: To pick up the phone and then of course team building, so we, as we talked about a familiarity was one of the group flow triggers is just really important to have that.
Dmitri Leonov: Nothing beats drinks right at the after work so, since we cannot do that substituting for that is super helpful.
Rex Mann: yeah and to yes, and this and to use that terminology that we all have um.
Rex Mann: I think it's also important to think about ways, you can do like pseudo synchronous work, so you know that.
Rex Mann: Three or two or three back and forth sometimes it's Maybe someone asking you how to accomplish something, and one thing that we use a lot is a tool called cloud APP and it allows us to record our screen and actually.
Rex Mann: narrate what's happening there and I think so there's kind of like an in between as well, where you can sort of.
Rex Mann: it's quicker to just show, sometimes, and so you can find ways to do that without necessarily connecting synchronously, but when you don't have that available to you I think connecting synchronously is definitely super important.
Rex Mann: Which is actually a good segue to our next topic, which is what kind of tech sector, you need.
Rex Mann: So i'm gonna let you take email Dimitri because this is something near and dear to you.
Dmitri Leonov: Sure, yes, very much so so email is probably the kind of the original asynchronous tool right it's.
Dmitri Leonov: You know, after the phone email was the only thing you could do I guess facts was maybe facts was.
Dmitri Leonov: Take about the letters and read the first synchronous to know, but so in in the real world email is the is the perfect asynchronous tool, because you send exactly targets facts and but.
Dmitri Leonov: You know you there is no expectation of an immediate response in most cases right it's very much expected to to respond.
Dmitri Leonov: not immediately right whatever whatever whatever that means in fact some email processing kind of best practices.
Dmitri Leonov: Even recommend waiting a day to respond right so don't respond to anything on the same day wait until the two, so the depends, I mean I don't necessarily advocate that.
Dmitri Leonov: But so as far as the tech stack we are same box have built our company around streamlining that inbound communication and having.
Dmitri Leonov: As the volume of emails continues to grow and the signal to noise ratio continues to get less and less so they're just more and more noise and less and less signal and so it's our brain is not designed really to to be good at.
Dmitri Leonov: kind of identifying what signal was noise we're super prone to distraction so.
Dmitri Leonov: What same box does is kind of simplifies it for you and it puts all the noise in one bucket and then keeps all of the important stuff in your inbox and then we also use text expand or to streamline outgoing communications, but I should probably let you talk about that right.
Rex Mann: yeah I think we all have repetitive tasks that we do on a daily basis, so it's really about.
Rex Mann: identifying those and putting them into a workflow so tactic spenders really great at doing that it's an activation tool, so you can actually.
Rex Mann: pull that repetitive text out and and throw it into an email and speed yourself up and also the cool thing is, you get consistent in your messaging.
Rex Mann: And so you can kind of hone down, you know there's if you get certain kinds of questions, a lot, you can really get that perfect response save it and use it it's a lot faster than copy and pasting from that document that I know we all have.
Rex Mann: full of frequently used text.
Rex Mann: So you know kind of finding your flow is not just about like your mental state but it's also about like your tech stack and what you have available to you and really optimizing you know not always can be just gotta get a new solution, but how can I learn how.
Rex Mann: To leverage what I already have much more efficiently, which kind of leads me into project management systems, I think that.
Rex Mann: This is something that I just love I love I love lists, I absolutely love checking something off the list, so I think it's probably why I gravitate towards these, but like yourself in order.
Rex Mann: And figure out what works for you, it may not be any of these list on here there's a plethora of options out there.
Rex Mann: But I think something that we do to ourselves that's super to services we short change the planning process.
Rex Mann: So, like before you started task really sit down map out what those tasks are that process or that that project is going to look like.
Rex Mann: and identify like the points where you want to check in with yourself, or you want to hold yourself accountable and throw that into a project manager management system anytime spent in the planning phase is never going to be wasted time.
Rex Mann: You know, as long as you're effortful and attentive, so I think that you know it's important for us to really focus on finding the time to do it and committing to it and, seeing as as just as valuable as actually doing the work for the project it'll save you time in the long run.
Dmitri Leonov: Well, and actually the instant messaging tool instant messaging tools are on here, however, as the name might suggest their instant messaging so there's been a lot of.
Dmitri Leonov: Calls recently that i've seen to actually delete slack from your phone.
Dmitri Leonov: Because slack and kind of by definition is more a lot more synchronous so you don't have to reply immediately, but there is an expectation that it's.
Dmitri Leonov: More synchronous, however, that you know we're not going to delete it it's it's very useful tool, especially for internal communication, and we all love slack and some of us love Microsoft teams.
Dmitri Leonov: But it's just it's important to set records like you mentioned, I can set the best practices and policies around what is expected right so maybe you're expected to acknowledge or reply to slack within 24 hours that's that's very.
Dmitri Leonov: that's helpful and then of course there's there's some new tools such as yak wishes voice instant voice instant messaging.
Dmitri Leonov: And those you know our little bit of a double also double edged sword, because they while it's easy for for me to just leave a voicemail kind of to blurt it out and put it into the.
Dmitri Leonov: into the.
Rex Mann: cyberspace.
Dmitri Leonov: yeah into the ether, but it's it's not as great for the recipient, because they have to.
Dmitri Leonov: Stop what they're doing and listen to the message and also it's not great for documentation it's it's very difficult to search a voice message.
Rex Mann: For sure.
Rex Mann: I, which leads us to the last point, which is shared documentation figuring out what your system is going to be and how you're going to set it up.
Rex Mann: and, ideally, make sure that it's inexorable so that it can be searched and really give yourself a leg up right like so create note format, so that you know you're creating a heuristic model so that you can identify easily at a glance where you want to start in a document.
Rex Mann: And then be consistent with it and.
Rex Mann: I don't know that this is actually super important but it is something that I care about be consistent in the naming Convention so that it's easy to parse visually.
Rex Mann: I think sometimes and maybe it's just me but, for me, I do notice that, like I think again intentionality and being handbook first right so having an idea of what you want to do with share documentation before you start documenting is super crucial.
Rex Mann: So how do you get started, so this is like a best practice that we found that can really help you kind of test the waters without being too committed.
Rex Mann: So test have an asynchronous pilot where, in the first week you tried turning some of your synchronous meetings and the asynchronous meetings.
Rex Mann: How can you accomplish this, I have to do it does this, need to be something where we have to meet person or can we, you know leverage project management tools and documentation to do this asynchronously.
Rex Mann: use those team collaboration tools like slack and cello or a sauna whatever works well for you.
Rex Mann: You know, you can also do like we like I mentioned earlier, like the video recordings to get pieces that you can view later, of course, like Dimitri mentioned this doesn't always lend itself easily to documentation.
Rex Mann: But one way, like a workaround that we've done is we've turned the links to the.
Rex Mann: If you're sharing a video response we've turned those links into snippets so we can still search for them and then revisit them in the future.
Rex Mann: And then, making sure that any meeting that you do that, you have a preset agenda is going to help you stay on task but it's also going to help everyone involved prepare for that meeting, so that.
Rex Mann: The content is more useful it's more enriched whenever you come to the meeting and it's not exploratory instead and then experiment with a nonlinear work day instead of sitting down and saying like i'm working today from 10 to six nine to five, whatever that might be.
Rex Mann: break it up go get a good lunch take some time and see how that rejuvenates you is that going to give you some more steam, for the rest of the day to accomplish better tasks.
Rex Mann: Or to accomplish your tasks more effectively, so I think there are ways that you can kind of incorporate this without fully committing to see if it's something that works for you.
Dmitri Leonov: know and then the the nonlinear work days are really important, and I think that leads into our into our next slide perfectly.
Dmitri Leonov: There is just a ton of research done relatively recently on on this, so there is that we're based on cycles right our we evolved with the cycles and some of the cycles are you know multi day some of those cycles are.
Dmitri Leonov: Daily so like when our with the sunrise we evolve with the sunrise rising the sunset and then some of the cycles are actually happening much faster, so we have a 90 minute cycle throughout the day, so we cannot literally we're not.
Dmitri Leonov: machines that can just like work for eight hours a day of rest like you mentioned as we're we're literally it's physically impossible right, so we need brakes.
Dmitri Leonov: Depending on your kind of physiology most people suggest a 90 minute cycle, where, after 90 minutes, you have to take a break.
Dmitri Leonov: For me personally, I know I need to take some a shorter break after 25 minutes now and then we kind of it really does depend, but so.
Dmitri Leonov: back to the daily cycle their big know because we kind of little you know, over the last hundred or so years since the industrial revolution.
Dmitri Leonov: We have kind of adjusted to the nine to five work day right like that was that's what everybody was doing, and so a lot of us have been kind of pigeon holed into.
Dmitri Leonov: Being, I guess, I guess, we would be larks right, so you know being fully awake at seven in the morning, depending how long it takes to get to work and then from nine till five which will have to work, work, work.
Dmitri Leonov: Depending on your biology and this is actually not that changeable we're kind of born with this and there's most research suggests that we are you know you can really change it, and you can try to push it but it's not it's not great and so.
Dmitri Leonov: There are really three groups of people, and so, most of us fall into that middle category, but there are larks who are the early morning birds, there are owls who are.
Dmitri Leonov: Late birds and then third birds which is everyone else, and so the way to find out who you are is to take a very, very short test so take.
Dmitri Leonov: Think about the time you go to sleep, if you don't have anything to do in the morning right what time would you normally go to sleep So for me it's midnight.
Dmitri Leonov: Then, think about what time would you normally wake up, if you had nothing to do in the morning, so for me it's 8am.
Dmitri Leonov: And then you take the just literally the midpoint between those two times and put it on this graph and so, in my case, it would be four in the morning, so i'm right in the middle of a.
Dmitri Leonov: Third bird which I always thought I was an owl actually I would always described myself as an hour, but that's just not the case.
Dmitri Leonov: And, and so, depending on this this this kind of sets the time for when you're expected to be at your peak, and so the if you're a lark.
Dmitri Leonov: It is a really good idea for you to set your kind of you're busy time, those are your business and your deep work time when you when you're when you're doing your deep work you're.
Dmitri Leonov: highly focused work right do that first thing in the morning, if you are now do that in the evening you know eight even 10 or even midnight.
Dmitri Leonov: I used to work after midnight, because I kind of always thought of myself as an owl and then I would I realized over time, that would just destroy my next day, and then I was I don't know what I be I was someone else entirely, after that zombie.
Dmitri Leonov: And, and if you're a third bird.
Dmitri Leonov: You know somewhere around 11 to two is kind of the sweet spot and then what you want to do is you want to set your.
Dmitri Leonov: Your deep work time during those times when you're most.
Dmitri Leonov: awake most functional and then set your kind of routine work your admin tasks.
Dmitri Leonov: For when you're more tired right, and you can really experiment with us and the beauty of this new a sync world that we that we live in.
Dmitri Leonov: Is it allows us, the flexibility to do the pilot and you can do the pilot for the company, you can do the pilot just for yourself just experiment with what works best for you.
Dmitri Leonov: Really observe what's when you're most functional observe what feels better and what what results you you're able to achieve.
Rex Mann: Absolutely and protect that deep work time I think that's a great space to talk about time chungking or a time blocking.
Rex Mann: When you know you're productive that's when you don't want to be meeting that's when you don't want it unless the meeting requires you to be extra productive but usually.
Rex Mann: Your deep work time is you know you're when you're entering that individual flow so block it off on your calendar and and.
Rex Mann: it's something that I think we all are, are prone to do is like maybe block it off to be like deep work for a chunk of time, but then actually set your tasks in there, so that you're keeping yourself on task it's another way.
Rex Mann: For to hold yourself accountable it's something that i'm working on being better at and it's not an easy transition but it's definitely worthwhile.
Rex Mann: So i'm based on this graph and I do see, we have a question about the times being PM instead of am.
Rex Mann: Dimitri do you want to explain the the X axis on this graph here.
Dmitri Leonov: yeah, so this is just a time of the only purpose of this graph is to determine what kind of animal bird are you to take literally just take your.
Dmitri Leonov: Standard default that time and your standard default wake up time, find the midpoint between those two and put this on this graph that's that's really all this is this intended for this is intended for.
Dmitri Leonov: And then yeah, and so the action item is to or once you figure it out that's kind of sets.
Dmitri Leonov: The times when you can when you should be doing your deep work, so if you're a night owl you can do it much later in the day you're a lark you can do it.
Dmitri Leonov: Earlier in the morning and actually you know for third birds which is 65% of us two thirds, and we do kind of fall into that nine to five.
Dmitri Leonov: You know window, but again it's important to keep in mind that this it's not you're not attractor you're not a machine that's just going steady the whole time.
Dmitri Leonov: And more accurate analogy is to think of yourself as a lion so the way lions live and hunt is they, you know they they.
Dmitri Leonov: hang out and sleep right and just kind of like lately out and then they go in for the kill whenever you know, whenever they're hungry and so they're going for the kill they.
Dmitri Leonov: get their prey they come back and then they go back to relaxing and now you know you don't necessarily have to chill out it.
Dmitri Leonov: During during the work day but kind of think of that as a better analogy because we're not designed to be just steady machines, we are closer to lions where we can we can have these kind of shorter periods of stress.
Dmitri Leonov: and focus and then we need to recover and the recovery is absolute key it's it's really if you think of you know exercise or let's say building muscle it's the same principle your it is based on this idea of.
Dmitri Leonov: Pushing yourself right just stress and then recovery stress and recovery stressed and recoveries that cycle, this is how you get better to sell you this, how you're productive we're again we're not designed to just be kind of mid level.
Dmitri Leonov: medium level stress we're much better at high stress and recovery, then we are at scale of steady long term stress.
Rex Mann: Certainly, absolutely that actually leads me to a resource i'd like to share called train ugly calm and this is really great for figuring out the overlap between like the physical and the mental and applying like sports.
Rex Mann: theory or exercise theory to learning and also working and so it's just like anything else, your brain is like a muscle and so you do need those periods of effort and rest.
Rex Mann: And I think you'll find some really cool tools on that website, one thing that I definitely want to recommend that you check out Google is the pompadour method, because it will train you.
Rex Mann: into using these these cycles of effort and cycles of rest and and like you mentioned, Dimitri like 25 minutes you need a little break it's built into the komodo methods, I highly recommend you give it a Google.
Dmitri Leonov: I just learned something else really interesting today.
Dmitri Leonov: So the hour, especially on the laptop that there's something magical about the 25 minute interval because our I forget what it is that a certain levels of mineral specific mineral starts to get depleted after 25 minutes on the laptop.
Dmitri Leonov: verify this but.
Jennifer Burnett: Demeter we had someone who wanted you just to kind of hit on the graphic on this slide again they were there's a couple of folks that are just a little bit confused, if you could just hit on that real quick I know we're nearing the end of our time here.
Dmitri Leonov: Absolutely yeah, so this is it's I think the title of the slide is a little misleading, and so this isn't meant the chart You see, is not meant as the actual time, you should be working, this is only a chart to.
Dmitri Leonov: determine what kind of a bird you are so if your if your middle midpoint between your bedtime and wake up time falls on the red line that means or sorry on the red.
Dmitri Leonov: bars you're a third bird meaning, you are optimal kind of an a mid late morning to midday, if you are a lark that means your your optimal deep work focus time is early morning until 11 and if you're an owl, that is, you know late afternoon to the Max.
Dmitri Leonov: clarify.
Jennifer Burnett: Thank you, Dimitri awesome.
Rex Mann: So that actually brings us to the last slide we won't cover everything on here, but these are just some tips that you can take away with you will share this slide deck with you, after the after.
Rex Mann: The meeting today but it's really important that you figure out how to approach this and.
Rex Mann: Some of the best practices are listed on here like you know one thing that I think it's super important when you're working asynchronously is.
Rex Mann: get started with whatever tasks that you have.
Rex Mann: ahead of you regardless, if you have everything to get it done so that when you do actually you know if you're going back and forth and you're working with someone asynchronously you've got all of your all that you could get done.
Rex Mann: finished or accomplished when you do meet so that you're starting off on the right foot, or maybe starting off a foot ahead.
Rex Mann: And, and like we've mentioned on here like protecting your time i'm questioning your meetings, and I think, Dimitri has a really great perspective on what this means for leadership yeah.
Dmitri Leonov: Well, so it's super important to set the direction we kind of talked about the best practices and documentation and not having that the employee handbook where you're very clear about what what the goals are how you're working identifying the the right tech stack.
Dmitri Leonov: Is super helpful and then but also bringing the team into it into the process and really asking everyone to share their preferences preferences like to.
Dmitri Leonov: If your coworkers don't know if you're a lark or a night owl that's a problem, I think that everybody needs to know who you who you are and we've we do these we introduced this in our.
Dmitri Leonov: In our team building activities where we talked about kind of our strengths and strengths and weaknesses and we talked about what what do we prefer and really make sure we structure our co working around what's what works what works best for everybody.
Rex Mann: Absolutely, and I think the key takeaway here is iteration don't let the perfect become the enemy of the good.
Rex Mann: So be okay with it not being exactly what you want, and just get it out there and get it moving and then you can receive the feedback and you can make it better every time that you do this.
Rex Mann: So it is an ongoing process and we're going to continue to find more and better practices, as we all continue working asynchronously.
Rex Mann: So that brings us to the Q amp a portion of the day, thank you so much for your time, we want to open up to you, and take some more of your good questions.
Jennifer Burnett: yeah so there were a couple of questions as we're going through, I know we're short on time, so we were asked are you all were asked if you have seen the email helper tools have three sentences or four sentences i'm sure yeah you guys are familiar with those at all or not.
Dmitri Leonov: Yes, so I am.
Dmitri Leonov: The idea was around the tools is to kind of introduce quicker email, so the problem that these tools are trying to solve is long, long long paragraph emails where.
Dmitri Leonov: You have you know it's just nobody wants to read that and having a shorter email is very it's just easier to read a Caesar on the eye and it's less stressful for for the person reading.
Dmitri Leonov: Personally I think it's a bit of a double edged sword it really depends on the context, if sometimes it needs to be alone right it's there's no way around it and it's that's okay.
Dmitri Leonov: Some emails I mean it's always better brevity is always appreciated so certainly you can.
Dmitri Leonov: always try to save with less words, if possible, but not at the expense of clarity, not at the expense of you know, making the recipients job more difficult, so if they have to decipher what you mean and the three sentences that's.
Dmitri Leonov: Maybe not ideal.
Jennifer Burnett: Thank you, I appreciate that and another question, we had was more directed towards text expanders.
Jennifer Burnett: So we had a question on best practices for naming and structuring abbreviations, and so, for those of you that aren't familiar abbreviations are how we actually expand our snippets inside of text expand or and so best practices.
Jennifer Burnett: That we teach everyone in the customer success department is to make your abbreviation short easy to remember and easy to type.
Jennifer Burnett: We do have an available in line search that set up as a hacky directly inside of text expand or for you, for MAC users that's command forward slash for PC window users.
Jennifer Burnett: Its control for slashing if you are using a Google chrome extension that is control period and so that will allow you to use a search box to then type.
Jennifer Burnett: You know word or a couple of letters that you're looking for it'll pull up the different snippets that have that in its.
Jennifer Burnett: abbreviation or in the label field but definitely try to you know structure those abbreviations try to use pre vexes before those abbreviations.
Jennifer Burnett: To limit accidental snippet expansion as you're typing words so anything else that you want to add REX that maybe I missed or you can think of.
Rex Mann: To yes, and you, I would say that, like with the prefixes I love prefixes and I think that gives you an extra.
Rex Mann: search term, if you will, so like any of my snippets that are going to be an email that with em.or how to snippets are how thinking about like what makes sense to you, and maybe how to.
Rex Mann: break the short Convention, but like you want to make it searchable you want to make it memorable.
Rex Mann: And I think you want to make it possible so let's try not to get too up in the weeds with like you know just like letters for words like make it readable, so that if you do read it.
Rex Mann: In your new user or you're sharing your secrets with others, they can make sense of what you're meaning there.
Jennifer Burnett: yeah absolutely and feel free to join us if you're wanting to learn more about text expand, or we have webinars all the time, I know, one of our.
Jennifer Burnett: Co co workers drop that into the chat room there so feel free to use that webinar link that was dropped in there, are there any other questions if there are feel free to drop those into the Q amp a, otherwise we are very near to the end of our time here.
Rex Mann: All right, it.
Rex Mann: doesn't look like we have any other questions.
Rex Mann: So I just want to thank you, one more time for joining us today and learning a little bit more about asynchronous work and our approaches to asynchronous work, I want to thank to meet you for joining us today to it's been a great time today.
And, of course.
Rex Mann: So with that if that's everything I think we can go ahead and close it out we'll get that recording out to you the slide deck and please don't hesitate to reach out to either of us you've got our emails here on.
Rex Mann: On the slide deck and our websites we'd love to hear back from you on your feedback what you liked what you didn't like and any suggestions for new topics in the future.
Jennifer Burnett: yeah future content always welcome.
Jennifer Burnett: Alright, well, thank you all for spending your time with us, we hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.
Dmitri Leonov: folks.