productivity at work

Level Up Productivity at Work: Our Top Strategies, Tips, and Essential Apps

In 2023 and beyond, businesses prioritizing the customer experience through meaningful human interactions hold a distinct advantage. But that also takes serious effort, which calls for increased productivity at work.

While automation and self-service options have their benefits for customers, they can’t provide the personalized care and attention that customers crave. Customers still value the authenticity and empathy that can only be delivered through human interactions.

Customers have infinite options

Today’s customers are more ‘choosy’ than ever. With countless options for their business, they demand fast support when they need it. To deliver on these expectations, customer-facing teams must be equipped to handle a higher volume of inquiries, resolve issues efficiently, and engage with customers on a personal level. This requires a delicate balance between efficiency and quality, where increased productivity plays a vital role.

The pressure to maintain productivity levels while providing incredible customer experiences is a challenge faced by those in many roles within a business, and especially those in customer service, customer success, and customer experience roles. These employees are on the front lines, directly interacting with customers and shaping their perception of your brand. Their ability to strike the right balance between speed and personalization can make or break customer relationships.

By enabling increased productivity at work through the right tools and strategies, business owners and managers empower their customer-facing teams to manage their workload effectively, optimize their time, and maximize their impact. This can be achieved through various strategies, such as streamlining processes, leveraging technology and tools, and providing ongoing training and development opportunities. When productivity is elevated, customer service representatives can dedicate more time to building genuine connections with customers, addressing their needs, and going the extra mile to drive loyalty.

Increasing productivity at work benefits both your customers and employees. When professionals in customer-centric roles can work effectively, it reduces stress levels, drives job satisfaction, and builds a positive work environment. Said another way, when you’re working at full speed with the right tools, you’re happy. As a result, they are more likely to deliver exceptional customer experiences consistently and remain motivated to go above and beyond for their customers.

In an era where automation is growing in use, businesses prioritizing personal interactions and investing in increasing productivity stand out from their competitors. By recognizing the value of the human touch and equipping customer-facing teams with the tools and support they need to work efficiently, companies can meet customer expectations, build strong relationships to drive retention, and ultimately thrive in a highly competitive marketplace. The drive for increased productivity in delivering exceptional customer experiences is not just a necessity—it is a strategic advantage that drives long-term business success.

What’s the benefit of increasing productivity at work?

Why should we strive to enhance our efficiency and output? In this section, let’s dive into the advantages of boosting productivity at work and how it positively impacts individuals and businesses alike.

Do more with less

When we talk about increasing productivity, we’re talking about unlocking the potential to serve more customers within the same timeframe. It means maximizing your output, accomplishing tasks efficiently, and reaching your goals effectively. By focusing on enhancing work productivity, you’ll work smarter—not harder.

Lowers costs

From an organizational standpoint, heightened productivity brings substantial benefits. It leads to improved efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and overall performance. When employees can accomplish more in less time, it translates into higher profitability, more loyal customers, and a stronger competitive position.

But it’s not just about getting more done; increasing productivity enables you to allocate your resources more strategically. By streamlining workflows, eliminating bottlenecks, and optimizing your processes, you can make the most of you available human capital.

Increased work-life balance

Another significant advantage of heightened productivity is the potential for achieving a better work-life balance for teams. By working more efficiently, you create space for personal pursuits, leisure time, and meaningful engagement outside of work. Teams that are able to disconnect to recharge are better performers at work.

The top tips to increase productivity at work

We’ve got some practical tips tailored to your unique style that can help you maximize efficiency and achieve more in your professional life. Check them out:

1. Set Clear Objectives

Start by defining clear objectives for yourself and your team. You’ll want to establish specific goals that provide direction and keep everyone motivated throughout the day. Break down bigger goals into smaller, manageable tasks to make progress more tangible and measurable. Focus on the next action item instead of getting bogged down in larger projects.

2. Time Management

Effective time management is the secret sauce of productivity. Identify your most productive periods and allocate them to tasks that require your focused attention. Prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance, and take advantage of productivity tools like calendars or task management apps to stay on top of your schedule. David Allen has a great rule: If something can be done in two minutes, do it immediately.

3. Minimize Distractions

Distractions can be productivity killers. Take proactive measures to minimize them in your work environment. Whether it’s muting phone notifications, closing unnecessary browser tabs, or finding a peaceful space to work, create an environment that allows you to concentrate and stay in the zone. Build an environment to focus on work when it’s work time.

4. Harness the Power of Prioritization

Not all tasks are created equal. Prioritize your workload by identifying tasks that have the greatest impact on your goals. Direct your energy toward high-priority tasks and consider delegating or eliminating less crucial ones. By focusing on what matters most, you can make significant progress toward your objectives, goals, and drive value for customers.

The top habits for workplace productivity

To increase workplace productivity, it’s essential to develop habits that optimize focus, organization, and overall performance. In this section, we’ll explore key habits that can elevate productivity and help you accomplish more in your professional life.

1. Take Regular Breaks

Although it may seem counterintuitive, regular breaks can actually enhance productivity. Stepping away from work for short periods helps refresh your mind, prevent burnout, and improve focus and creativity. A good rule of thumb is to focus for a period of time, take a break, then get back to work. Do one thing at a time.

2. Optimize Communication and Collaborate

Efficient and clear communication is vital for productivity at work. A Gartner survey reveals a 44% rise in workers’ use of collaboration tools since 2019. You’ll want to utilize tools like next-generation email apps, team chat apps, and project management platforms to streamline communication and ensure everyone is on the same page. Also, it’s important to minimize unnecessary meetings and aim to convey information concisely and effectively in asynchronous communication.

3. Delegate and Collaborate

Recognize that you don’t have to handle every task alone. Delegate responsibilities that others can handle, leveraging the strengths and expertise of the people on your team. It’s important to foster a culture of open communication and trust to encourage productive collaboration. Don’t go at it all alone!

4. Embrace Continuous Learning and Improvement

As a manager, you should cultivate a growth and improvement mindset and seek opportunities for ongoing learning. It’s important to stay updated on customer trends, explore new tools and techniques, and invest in professional development. Take what you learned and figure out how to use it to improve productivity.

5. Use Data Analytics to Examine What’s Working

It’s critical to work smart and not hard. Leverage the tools you have internally to look at ticket times with customers to see how you and your team can work more efficiently. If you see a frequent ticket coming in, look to develop proactive communications to help customers better understand your products and services.

Remember, developing productive habits takes time and a disciplined effort. Focus on integrating one habit at a time, gradually incorporating others as you progress.

The top tools to increase productivity at work

By leveraging the following tools/apps with their key features, you can streamline your workflows, automate repetitive tasks, enhance collaboration, and maintain focus on your priorities. However, be careful not to deploy so many tools you become distracted by tinkering with options and settings.

1. TextExpander

TextExpander improves productivity at work

TextExpander is a must-have tool for professionals in customer service, customer success, and customer experience. With its ability to create custom Snippets and expand frequently used phrases in any app or website, it streamlines communication and saves time when responding to customer emails and setting up chatbots. It ensures consistency in messaging and helps reps provide prompt and accurate responses, enhancing the overall customer experience.

“TextExpander adds value when sharing information across teams, because snippets can be more than just plain text. This value can be quantified in saving not just minutes or hours, but weeks worth of time, when measured over months.”

Stephen Nock, Customer Team, Formlabs

Key Features:

  • Create custom shortcuts known as Snippets) for frequently used phrases or paragraphs that speed up customer responses
  • Cross-platform compatibility
  • Cloud-based Snippet syncing so everyone is using the same language for branding purposes


  • Starts $3.33/month per user (annually) for individual accounts
  • Starts at $8.33/month per user (annually) for team accounts

2. Todoist


Todoist is an excellent task management and Getting Things Done app that allows customer service, customer success, and customer experience professionals to stay organized and meet customer needs effectively. It includes task prioritization, due dates, and collaboration capabilities, enabling teams to manage customer requests, track progress, and ensure the timely resolution of complex tickets. With Todoist, professionals can enhance their productivity, responsiveness, and ultimately, customer retention and satisfaction.

Key Features:

  • Create and prioritize tasks
  • Set due dates and receive reminders
  • Collaboration and project management features
  • Integration with popular productivity apps


  • Free version with limited features to try it out
  • Premium plans start at $4 per user per month (annually)

3. Front email app

Front email app

Front is a great email tool for customer service, customer success, and customer experience teams as it revolutionizes email communication and collaboration. With its focus on a shared inbox and team-based approach, customer service reps can work together easily to handle customer inquiries, assign emails to appropriate team members, leverage automated workflows and provide fast responses. Front enhances collaboration, eliminates email duplication, and ensures a streamlined customer experience.

Key Features:

  • Focus on a shared group inbox for team collaboration and fast customer support
  • Allows CS reps to assign emails, add internal comments, and automate their workflows


  • Growth plans start at $59/month per user (annually)

4. Pomodoro Timer

The Pomodoro Timer is a game-changer for professionals in customer-facing roles who also are prone to burnout. By using this technique, customer service reps can manage their time effectively, maintain focus during customer interactions, and prevent burnout. Taking regular short breaks between focused work intervals helps rejuvenate their energy and keeps them engaged and attentive when providing exceptional service and support while in a focus” mode.

Key Features:

  • Helps manage time and maintain focus in short bursts
  • Sets intervals of focused work and frequent short breaks
  • Various apps are available across platforms so anyone can use


  • Many Pomodoro timer apps are free or offer low-cost options
  • It might be built into other tools like a time clock for companies

5. Slack

Slack for productivity at work

Slack is a great tool for customer service, customer success, and customer experience teams. It offers real-time communication, file sharing, and collaboration features. With dedicated channels, customer service reps can easily collaborate, share information, and get support from coworkers when handling complex customer issues. Slack’s integration capabilities with a growing ecosystem of apps also allow for seamless coordination with other essential tools, ensuring a smooth workflow.

Key Features:

  • Centralized team communication and collaboration platform
  • Real-time messaging, file sharing, and video/audio huddles
  • Vast app ecosystem for integrations


  • Free version with limited features such as minimal archiving
  • Pricing plans start at $7.25 per user per month (annually)

Productivity at work wrap up

By implementing and deploying effective tips/habits, and leveraging top productivity tools like TextExpander and Front, professionals in customer service, customer success, and customer experience can improve their performance and deliver exceptional customer interactions. These tools and tips are essential to improving the productivity of everyone on your team—including you!

Embracing a productivity-focused mindset and utilizing the right tools empowers individuals and teams to excel in their roles, drive customer retention, and improve customer loyalty in competitive markets. One final reminder: productivity is a means to an end. Don’t get bogged down in tinkering with tools and habits and lose sight of what matters: the customers.

FAQ on productivity at work

Q: How can I improve productivity at work for my team?

A: Improving productivity starts with effective time management, prioritization, and minimizing distractions. Once that is in place, look to deploy productivity tools, set clear goals, and establish a routine that works best for you. Also, experiment with different techniques, such as the Pomodoro Technique, and leverage technology to streamline tasks and workflows.

Q: What are some of the benefits of using productivity tools?

A: Productivity tools offer several benefits, including increased efficiency, streamlined communication internally and externally, better organization, and improved collaboration. They can help you save time, stay focused, and accomplish more with less work. By automating repetitive tasks and providing centralized platforms for managing a workspace, these tools improve your productivity.

Q: How do productivity tools benefit customer service, customer success, and customer experience roles?

A: Productivity tools specifically benefit customer-facing roles by enhancing communication, task management, and collaboration. Tools like TextExpander help streamline responses to customers, ensuring consistent messaging, while Todoist helps manage customer requests and track progress. The Front email app handles collaboration within teams in responding to customer emails, while Slack improves real-time communication and collaboration. These tools enable teams to deliver exceptional customer service, improve responsiveness, and ensure a seamless customer experience.

Q: Are these productivity tools beneficial for remote teams?

A: Of course! These productivity tools are designed to support remote work as well as in-office teams.