Version 4.2.1
MacReleased January 14, 2014
- Resolves excessive CPU use which occurred on some systems after several expansions
- Resolves a timing issue (race condition) in 4.2 which can cause crashes upon expansion on certain systems
- Pre-fills URL field if Add Group from URL is selected with a URL on the pasteboard
- Other fixes and improvements
- Resolves excessive CPU use which occurred on some systems after several expansions
- Resolves a timing issue (race condition) in 4.2 which can cause crashes upon expansion on certain systems
- Pre-fills URL field if Add Group from URL is selected with a URL on the pasteboard
- Adds prompting to increase 5 second script snippet timeout on 10.8+
- Allows setting script snippet timeout via AppleScript
- Offers to change Shell Script snippets lacking task specifier (#!) to Plain Text on 10.8+
- Fixes crash that could occur if snippet content computation exceeded five second limit
- Fixes automatic sentence capitalization that did not occur after pressing Return to move from a single-line text field to a multi-line text area
- Requires only the first word of snippet content to be lowercase for Adapt to Case of Abbreviation [280]
- Allows one non-letter character at the beginning of the abbreviation to still work with Adapt to Case of Abbreviation [158]
- Restores date macro evaluation to snippets embedded within script snippets [881]
- Fixes problem where @ symbol after a % was incorrectly interpreted as a date/time adjustment macro [878]