Version 4.2
MacReleased December 5, 2013
- Improves expansion in Google Documents in Safari
- Improves interaction with Fast User Switching
- Improves handling of accented letters in Search Snippets and Suggest Matching Abbreviation
- Presents currently-running apps first when choosing app-specific expansion
- Displays URL or file path of external Snippet Groups when selected
- Fixes tabbing in fill-in windows without text fields
- Works around Mavericks issue which allows Smart Quotes despite our setting to the contrary
- Numerous additional fixes and enhancements
- Fixes problem introduced in 4.1/4.1.1 with non-capitalizable abbreviations such as “.dl” being treated as capitalized for “Adapt to Case” snippets [851]
- Restores initial keyboard focus in fill-in window without text fields lost in 4.1 [850]
- Changes abbreviation replacement in some web browser “unibars” to reduce problems where part of the snippet abbreviation is not removed
- Improves interaction with Fast User Switching, especially when Dropbox Sync is being used [352]
- Fixes long-standing bug which could change the plain version of a “Formatted text, pictures” snippet to some other snippet’s text
- Repairs snippets with mis-matched plain/formatted content (creates “RepairedSnippets_[datestamp]” file in [home] / Application Support / TextExpander)
- Defaults to automatic Backup being enabled
- Presents currently-running apps first when choosing application-specific expansion (hold down Option when opening window to include menu bar accessory-type applications)
- Displays URL or file path of external Snippet Groups when selected
- Improves handling of accented letters in Search Snippets and Suggest Matching Abbreviation, and multi-word searches now find all words in any order [785, 612]
- Works around Mavericks issue which allows Smart Quotes despite our setting to the contrary
- Changes date math scanning to allow the – in “%@+1D-” to be output.
- Allows embedding snippets within embedded script snippets
- Provides non-embedded AppleScript snippets the actual entered/triggering abbreviation in the on textexpander(abrv) handler
- Allows script snippets to return %|, %, and %key: macros
- Improves handling of and notification about script snippets that take longer than 5 seconds to complete
- Restores pasteboard immediately if any Command+keystroke is received after an expansion (before Restore clipboard delay)
- Improves expansion in Google Documents in Safari [866]
- Adds “Open TextExpander” button to Edit Last Snippet window to allow editing the snippet in the main TextExpander window
- Cancels any open fill-in window if Create Snippet or Edit Last Expanded Snippet window opens
- Displays snippet formatting in fill-in window when “Include HTML data” is not enabled
- Changes Secure Input presentation in the status menu to clarify that the other application is enabling it
- Avoids accessing certain types of slow or unstable pasteboard data for Restore clipboard according to a new AppleScript-able setting
- Stops Mavericks from logging “Using your own bundle identifier […] does not make sense and will not work.” message at launch
- Fixes instability that sometimes resulted from timeouts when determining the text focus